Friday, July 30, 2010

Planes, Trains & Automobiles!

This past week I have been in Chicago exploring the city for the first time! It has been awesome! I have been taking the public buses and CTA trains into the city and that has been a really cool experience for me since I have done anything like that.

One thing I noticed this week though is that the people here move fast and pay little attention to those around them! Don't we do this too though, we fly through our lives only concerned with what is on our to do list and what we want or "need" to get accomplished.

I have been reading Crazy Love by: Francis Chan this week while here and towards the end of his book he talks about Matthew 25:31-46. 35"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

Now I am not saying I went around Chicago feeding everyone and trying to save the world, but I took this passage to heart and decided to pay attention to those around me. To ask how they were doing, give a smile, say hello...anything!

I love how God works because immediately after I read that passage i decided to put it into practice. Wouldn't you know the first person i talk to on the Red Line CTA train is a 50 year cancer survivor who is also a devout Christian and one of the coolest guys I have met! So excited about life!

The next people I talk to is a family traveling through the states visiting ballparks! They were from Pensacola, FL and a very awesome Christian family who I talked to for almost 2 hours!

I talked to many others along my travels through the city and it was really awesome to meet people from all kinds of backgrounds!

It was so encouraging to me to read God's word and then see Him use it in a real way! To show me that He will bless those who follow His word daily!

Shine On!

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