Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As I was reading this morning I came across John 8:2-11. This is a powerful passage and one I think we can all learn a lesson from.

The woman in the passage is caught in adultery and the legalistic Pharisees want to condemn her. They have stones in hand ready to let them fly! So they bring her before Jesus to test him. But Jesus gets them at their own game by saying, "If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

It amazes me that after Jesus' statement they realized that were wrong. They realized that they were all sinners and slowly the crowd left until it was just the woman and Jesus.
The grace Jesus shows us here is amazing! He does not judge her or condemn her but he says, "Then neither do I condemn you. God now and leave your life of sin."

Too many times in my life I have judged people! We see people doing this or that and we think the worst. We are ready to drag them to be stoned, as the Pharisees did.


What gives us the right?

I have made strides in this area over the last few years but, I still sometimes find myself falling into this sin.

Instead of making snap judgements about people, lets give them a chance. I have been doing this and God sure has humbled me! Because from some of those people i have judged in my head I have received some of the best advice, and grown strong friendships founded in Christ.

I want to encourage us today to drop our stones.

Shine on!

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