Thursday, August 12, 2010

More like falling in love

It's no big secret that the United states in a recession. In these hard times people just want something to believe in, something to give them meaning and purpose to their everyday lives. With so much struggle and despair I have seen a pattern in movies, the music industry and countless other companies are turning to Christianity in some form or fashion. (obviously not all of them.)

But why do they wait till times are hard?

It blows my mind why the people in our country continually put their faith in political leaders, bosses, education, science and so many other temporary things.

When the United States was founded our forefathers founded it on God. Centered it around God! We have fallen so far since then and it is no longer about God but about us.

Why do we think that God will honor a nation who daily lives like there is no God?

If we want things to get better, if we want something to live for, if we want a reason to wake up and do our best every morning lets let God back into our country!

Try having a relationship with the one who created you and gave you life and breathe and laughter.

Read Psalm 33:10-12.


Matthew 22:37-29.

Shine on!

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