Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Trust is a big issue for a lot of us. We have our guards up and don't want to let anyone close enough to hurt us.

And more than that we have a problem of not letting go of every area of our life. Often I have prayed for the strength to let go and give it all to God. But, to often i find myself trying to run my life on my own.

I regularly catch myself in prayer for God's guidance in something that I have already made up my mind to do. When instead I should be seeking His guidance way before I ever act or make a decision.

I don't know why i continually, don't trust that God can and will take care of me. Why I daily worry about what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week or 5 years from now!

Do we sometimes forget how big God is? How much He is capable of doing?

I have been reading through the Old Testament lately and it has just put me in awe! Reading all the accounts of the people who God lead, and provided for, and delievered from many more trials than I will ever see!

Our God is big!

He is capable of handling anything that we are worried about or stressed over!

What do we need to let go of that is holding us back from fulling trusting God? What in our lives is blocking us from being totally Reliant on our Creator?

May we realize that it is through God that we daily breathe, live and move!

Through God all things are possible!

Matthew 6:34


Philippians 4:6-7

Shine on!

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