Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Youth Pastor's Son

As a Husband, Dad to an 9 month old and Youth Pastor my weeks can be a little hard to balance at times. With that said, there is nothing else I could possibly do with my life. God has undoubtedly called my to preach His word, LOVE people and walk alongside teens as they journey with Jesus.

As a youth pastor my wife and son are there every Wednesday night serving right alongside me. This means more to me than they probably know. My wife runs the power point for us while I preach, give announcements, Etc. Noah, our son just sits right in his Mom's lap or is held in the arms of one of our volunteers. Some nights he sleeps (snores out loud) some nights he is bouncing up and down and squealing, some nights he farts in the middle of his Dad trying to give       and invitation and lead teens to Christ.

Knowing that my son will be growing up in the Church, constantly surrounded by: teens, soda, pizza, loud music, games, small groups, theme nights, communions, Sunday School fellowships, etc. There is something that I hope he and others in our lives will understand. 

First and foremost who my son is, is not dependent on his Dad being a pastor. It is far too common that preacher's kids live in a fish bowl. People will be watching him, and questioning his choices, his friends, his wardrobe and countless other things. I pray that my son will be himself. That he will grow up, strong and confident and capable of feeling comfortable in who God created him to be. Will he make mistakes? ABSOLUTELY! But, the way he is looked at or treated should not be more or less severe because of who I am or what position I hold. 

Secondly, my son's with relationship with Jesus is dependent on him. I can't love Jesus for him. But, I can/will pray everyday that when my son is old enough and understand who Jesus is and what Jesus did for him,  that he will completely give his life to Jesus. I pray that my son will come to know that there is no greater life than one that is cloaked in the love of Jesus Christ. 

I want my son to grow up not regretting that he is the son of a youth pastor. I want him to grow up thinking and knowing that his dad has the greatest and most important job (maybe not in this world, but definitely in the next). 

I am thankful that my son reminds us weekly that it's ok to fun in Church. I am thankful for what he has brought into my life. A pride, a love, a bucket of emotions that I can't really explain. I'm amazed how even at the age of 9 months he has the ability to love and minister to people. His smile has been known to change the outlook of the day. His laugh can take you go from tears to joy that you didn't know was existed. When he goes to the bathroom during the middle of his Dad's sermon, you can't help but think God has a sense of humor. He's an amazing gift. He's going to be an amazing man one day. He is the youth pastor's son...

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