Tuesday, July 15, 2014


This past weekend we had the privilege of hosting Beachside Baptist Church's youth group. This group of 14 teens and their awesome leaders had a great week of camp up in Cherokee, NC then stopped to see us on their way back through to New Symrna. They stayed the night in the Blue House and on Sunday morning did a GREAT job of leading our congregation in Worship through songs and scripture.

There are a few things that I have taken from this experience that I know have encouraged me and I pray will encourage you as well:

1.) When churches come together, you realize your not very different from each other.

Having grown up going to New Symrna Beach and having now lived in Orangeburg for 2 years I can tell you honestly that the two towns could not be more different! What would make a group of beach kids want to stop on their way home from camp in the middle of South Carolina? Nothing but, JESUS! That's the great thing about the ever reaching love of Christ. When your a Christian you will do whatever it takes to share Jesus. & when we look at each other as children of God, instead of the Florida group and the South Carolina group we realize we are so much alike! Because we share a Heavenly Father.

2.) When churches come together, you are left feeling refreshed, encouraged and ready to God's work!

I pray I speak for the rest of my church family as well as the believers at Beachside, but I have come out of this past weekend with a renewal in my spirit. Connecting with other God fearing churches pushes us. It encourages us. It spurs us on to do what God has called us to do. It makes us feel like spiritual giants that can take on anything Satan throws our way! We live out 1 Thessalonians 5:11! What a great thing that is! = Not to mention that they cleaned our kitchen (a MUCH overdue task) and left the Blue House cleaner than they found it.

3.) When churches come together GREATER things are accomplished.

"We can do far more together, than we could ever do by ourselves." or "Two is better than one." Those quotes are so true when it comes to the kingdom. Different experiences, approaches and skill sets are just a few of the things that aid in reaching people for Christ. The more Christ followers you have working together for the cause of Christ the better the result your going to have. When we as churches, as Christians, partner greater things are accomplished! (On so many levels)

I'm sure that there are many other awesome reasons to partner with churches that I could share, but I just wanted to point these out. It has been a EPIC summer so far in Orangeburg. I know God is moving and that this is just the beginning of GREATER things to come in our city. Pray, that God continues to move in the lives of those in our community & if your ever passing through come join us as we are doing, "Doing Whatever It Takes To Share Jesus To Teens In Orangeburg."

Shine On, 
Chase Allen

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