Monday, July 21, 2014

Follow Up!

One of the hardest and most frustrating things about youth ministry can be follow up. (Because of course we want every student that visits to keep coming back) A new student walks into your weekly Wednesday night worship service. It's all new to them, they walk in almost like a deer in the headlights, not sure if they should stay or leave. As a youth pastor I always try to be the first person to greet them. You introduce yourself, you ask a few simple questions to get to know them, but not too many to where you freak them out. My next move is taking them to our Café counter where we have students who introduce themselves and have them fill out a 'Guest Card.'

Then all teens are different, some will find someone they know (maybe the person who invited them?), Some will find a nice safe quite place, others will become the center of attention. You go through your service, you make sure you say, "Bye, hope to see you again soon" on their way out the door. But, the next step is where either, great things or frustration can set in.

Some youth pastors: 
- Call
- Text
- Tweet
- Instagram
- FB
- Personal Visit
- Letter
- Etc.

I think it's different for everyone and every situation. Every youth pastor is different in their personality and therefore how they connect with students. Also, every student we come in contact with is different. What works with one student will not always work with another. But, the thing we need to remember is being intentional is a choice. We get to chose if we are proactive in seeking the lost and hurting of our community. We get to chose if we reach out in any form or fashion, or if we simply let them "hopefully grace our door way again."

I've been every youth pastor that I listed above. I've tried every which way to follow up on visitors. Some ways have worked, others have gotten teens mad at me. But, I know that I have to continue to reach out. This year at the Blue House we decided to try a new approach and it's worked quite nicely. Of the 13 visitors we've had since January, 4 have come back to see us multiple times on Wednesdays, Sundays, Events & Retreats.

Postagram is a cool new app that allows you to add contacts address and send them a postcard. These postcards are completely created on your smartphone or tablet. They include to slots for pictures, one of which pops out. (We use our youth's logo, with our meeting times over it.) You are also able to write a custom message. We use this area to welcome them back & give them our social media names, so they can see whats going on. These cards are great & they only cost $0.99!

I'm not here to promote a product. But, I am here to let other youth pastors and leaders know that, this is a very cool, very easy tool to use, to follow up and invite students back to your youth group. With the way our culture continues to change, why not try something new to reach lost teens in your community?

"Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible."
- 1 Corinthians 9:19

We've got to become ALL things to ALL people, so that hopefully we can reach some for Jesus. Sometimes that means trying new approaches. Just a thought...

Shine On,

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