Monday, November 21, 2011


"As we pause to thank Him for the blessings of the past year, we must not forget to thank Him for the lessons we have learned through our difficult times. We are not to be thankful for just the pleasant, easy things, but ALL things!"

The smell of turkey & pumpkin pie fill the house. Snoopy is floating past Macy's. Family comes over, the Lions play football. Which they usually lose... Its easy to see that not just fall, but Thanksgiving is here! This time of year is when we eat and have a contest to see who can become the fullest and fall asleep the fastest. Is this really thanksgiving? Or do we just like to eat & hang out with family?

I challenged my youth group this past week to stop & think. If you were to make a list of everything you were thankful for, how long would your list be?

Because, we live a complaining world don't we? Our food didn't get to us fast enough. We didn't get treated the way we think we should have have. That situation wasn't fair. It goes on & on!

A lot of people find it easier to be dissatisfied with their life than to be thankful for everything they have been blessed with!

To quote a country song, sometimes we "look at what everyone has, & forgot about all that we got."

This Thanksgiving Holiday are you truly thankful for the things that God has done, is doing & is going to do?

Psalm 116:12-14

"What can I give back to God
for the blessings he's poured out on me?
I'll lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God!
I'll pray in the name of God;
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it together with his people." (The Message)

God has given us so much!

- Life
- His Son
- Salvation
- Breath
- Sunrises & Sunsets
- The list goes on!

Compared to all that He has done, what could we do in return?

We can start by thanking Him! & it doesn't have to be with the big things. Why can't we just thank God for another day? For being able to move? For clean running water? For His word? For the promise of eternal life?

This Thanksgiving, as we pause let's not just be thankful for the day, or for Grandma's stuffing but let's be thankful for everything!

This means the good & the bad! Because God can use the bad circumstances in our lives to help us grow closer to Him. Which is ultimately what we should be striving for everyday anyways!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Love of money

Lately I have been finding myself consumed with the idea of money. How can I get more of it? what can I spend it on? How much can I save? How much needs to go to this bill or that bill? If I'm not careful I find myself thinking constantly about one thing...Money.

Then there are the times when I spend money on things that seem ordinary and everyday to us in America. But, when I think about it is it something that is really ordinary or that I should use my money on?

Do I really need a $5 cup of coffee?

Do I really need to eat out twice a day?

Do I really need that latest electronic?

Not to say that there is anything wrong with buying ourselves something or treating yourself to your favorite caffeine filled beverage.

But do we even bat an eyelash at the idea that when we do this their our people around the world who might see $5 a week?

I've heard a preacher say that if you make $37,000 a year that you are in the top 4% of wage earners alive today.

The majority of the world lives on less than $2 a day...

& still we want more and it can consume us thinking about how to get more!

Do we need money? YES

But too many of us today complain that we are broke or can't afford to help this cause or give to God's Kingdom while we sit in our homes, watching our 55" inch TV & order pizza from our Ipads!

Do we need to love money?

The answer to that is clear and I refuse to let me money be on my mind continually.

I want to turn my money matters to God and let Him take care of it.

Let Him show me how to use it.

"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity." Proverbs 5:10

If you love money you will not satisfied!

Focus your time, talents, energy and yes...Money on the kingdom of God and find satisfaction.

Don't love money...

Shine On,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


This past sunday I was blessed with the opportunity to preach at Liberty Baptist Church where I serve as the Youth Pastor. I thought I would post the link on here to share. Take it easy on me...

Shine On,